About Me

My name is Barbara Dinger and I am the photographer behind CaPture Photography. I have been pursuing photography for about 10 years now...but took a lil' break to work on everyday life. I'm now back on the scene (with a new name: CaPture Photography) and ready to get back to this fabulous creative outlet! I have a deep passion for "catching the moments" when it comes to photography. My style of photography is no where near the traditionalist approach, but I definately love classic moments. I do not like "studio portraits," and feel that on location sessions are the best...you pick the place, if you can't...I CAN!!! I also believe that awesome photography, doesn't have to drain your wallet...I have a package for everyone! (If you don't fit in one of the catergories, just contact me and I'll get you the best rate for what you are looking for.) I run monthly specials...so check back for the latest special! Hope to hear from you soon!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Waiting...Sneek peek to Rachel's Bridals

My dear friend Rachel is getting married in April...and so recently we did her bridals...they turned out sooooooooooooooooooo AWESOME! ...but she won't let me show them! :P
So I guess I'll respect her wishes...here is a glimpse of what is to be revealed.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Mommy & me...Amanda & Tryston

Sunday, February 1, 2009

February Special...LOVE Lingers

Hey Everyone! January has come and gone...so dang fast! Now it is time for yet another awesome special for you! The great thing about February is that this will mark the 1 year launch of my website: www.capturebdinger.blogspot.com , as well as give me another reason to offer a LOVE SPECIAL (in honor of Valentines). So here we go...

February Special: Love Lingers $75
1 hr
1 location
1 CD (edited/bloopers)

This session is basically a way to show your loved ones...whether that be your companion, children, parents, friends, ect...how much you love them! This can be couple, mommy & me, daddy & me, self portraits or whatever you want to capture your lingering love for those special ones in your life!
*Colors promoted are of course pinks and reds for these photo shoots*

P.S. I will be booking sessions til Sunday, February 22nd, after this, I will be on marternity leave til late April...Thanks for all of your support and business! I know I say this all the time, but I am truely blessed, as well as honored to be chosen by so many to capture your moments...