About Me

My name is Barbara Dinger and I am the photographer behind CaPture Photography. I have been pursuing photography for about 10 years now...but took a lil' break to work on everyday life. I'm now back on the scene (with a new name: CaPture Photography) and ready to get back to this fabulous creative outlet! I have a deep passion for "catching the moments" when it comes to photography. My style of photography is no where near the traditionalist approach, but I definately love classic moments. I do not like "studio portraits," and feel that on location sessions are the best...you pick the place, if you can't...I CAN!!! I also believe that awesome photography, doesn't have to drain your wallet...I have a package for everyone! (If you don't fit in one of the catergories, just contact me and I'll get you the best rate for what you are looking for.) I run monthly specials...so check back for the latest special! Hope to hear from you soon!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Country Lovin...Sherry & Ron & Sabor

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Present for the Past...

Monday, January 18, 2010


 1/2 hr session
1 outfit
On location
(1) 5x7 Print

Available for the month of February...

*Additional prints and CD available for additional cost*


 WOW! I can't believe that it has almost been 2 years since I launched my BLOG...and now I am SUPER STOKED to announce a NEW SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION! I do love my BLOG, but understand that it is not as user friendly for my clients to find contact info, prices, products, ect...so REAL GRAPHICS (Chris Fleniken) is going to make me an AWESOME NEW SITE! In the mist of all this I have decided to post some of my favs. Thanks so much for each and everyone who has let me be a part of their life...through laughter, love, and all the betweens! I am truely blessed to do something that I LOVE SO MUCH! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


This Sunday afternoon turned out beautiful, so I decided it was a perfect time for a "mini photo shoot" of my PRECIOUS LIL' ONES...I am so BLESSED...they melt my heart daily.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lovely Lady...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Family Ties...Galloway

Friday, January 1, 2010

20 % off...Dec 31st-Jan 4th

Any returning clients will receive 20% off their session fee, when booking sessions Dec 31st-Jan 4th (must book session between these dates, session does not actually have to occur on these dates)...LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU ALL AGAIN! HAPPY NEW YEAR!