About Me

My name is Barbara Dinger and I am the photographer behind CaPture Photography. I have been pursuing photography for about 10 years now...but took a lil' break to work on everyday life. I'm now back on the scene (with a new name: CaPture Photography) and ready to get back to this fabulous creative outlet! I have a deep passion for "catching the moments" when it comes to photography. My style of photography is no where near the traditionalist approach, but I definately love classic moments. I do not like "studio portraits," and feel that on location sessions are the best...you pick the place, if you can't...I CAN!!! I also believe that awesome photography, doesn't have to drain your wallet...I have a package for everyone! (If you don't fit in one of the catergories, just contact me and I'll get you the best rate for what you are looking for.) I run monthly specials...so check back for the latest special! Hope to hear from you soon!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Kelly & Ian-Austin, Texas

This is Kelly & Ian...I came upon this couple while I was living in Austin a few years back. It was an extreme honor, as well as pleasure to work with this fun loving, modern day couple...nothing was tradtional, but everything was extraordinary! Though wedding shoot is from quite some time ago, it still remains as one of my favorite weddings I've photographed.


Anonymous said...

Love the one with the shoe and the flowers and also the one with the champagne glasses. Made me want to just pick on up and take a drink! very creative…
love, lizzy

Anonymous said...

I love all of the "memory" photographs...a lot of times you forget about the tiny details that make your wedding so special...i love the way you took the time to capture those things! The shoe and flowers, chapagne glass...the people at the wedding create important memories..but so do the intimate details that take such thought and are so special to the "big day"! I love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the pictures that captured their sense of self...like the wedding party doing muscle man poses. The black, white, and red pictures are very creative and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

You truely have a gift of catching the details...love your mix of traditional and nontraditional approach to each session...

Anonymous said...

i love how the red pops! awesome! you'll be doing my wedding if the day ever comes, lol!