About Me

My name is Barbara Dinger and I am the photographer behind CaPture Photography. I have been pursuing photography for about 10 years now...but took a lil' break to work on everyday life. I'm now back on the scene (with a new name: CaPture Photography) and ready to get back to this fabulous creative outlet! I have a deep passion for "catching the moments" when it comes to photography. My style of photography is no where near the traditionalist approach, but I definately love classic moments. I do not like "studio portraits," and feel that on location sessions are the best...you pick the place, if you can't...I CAN!!! I also believe that awesome photography, doesn't have to drain your wallet...I have a package for everyone! (If you don't fit in one of the catergories, just contact me and I'll get you the best rate for what you are looking for.) I run monthly specials...so check back for the latest special! Hope to hear from you soon!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Engagements-Patty & Randy

"Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can:
all of them make me laugh."
~W.H. Auden


Anonymous said...

Great pics Patty and Randy! Great job Barb!!!! They turned out Awesome as usual! I like the one under the trees and stuff.
